Batman, Volume 5: Rules of Engagement

Batman, Volume 5: Rules of Engagement combines the incredible storytelling of Tom King with arguably the very best artist in the business; Joelle Jones. This is the lead in set of tales that lay the groundwork for the current big wedding in comic book world. The marriage between the Bat and the Cat.

A journey to the heart of darkness and facing Talia ah Ghul which results in a terrific sword fight between Talia and the Cat. Meeting the Bat family and more so, the Boy Scout. Does the Cat when everyone’s approval? Does she really care?

What has made this series so good is the subtle changes in the past series that have set up the Batman to be in this position. To be where he questions his own mortality and his own life. His sacrifice of any kind of true happiness in his quest to be the Bat. His denial of his own love life.

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Strangely it is not the Cat who goes continually to the Bat for redemption but the reverse. It is the Batman who comes to her. With her, he finds the sanctuary he is denied everywhere else.

Extremely well written with impeccable artwork. This very well maybe some of the best Batman stories that have ever been. It is surely the most human he has ever been.

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