Friday’s Femme Fatale is Rogue of The Brotherhood of Mutants


Yes, most people know Rogue as a leader and powerful member of the X-Men, but before she changed her ways; Rogue was just as powerful as a member of The Brotherhood of Mutants and adoptive daughter of the evil mutant Mystique.


Rogue joins our Femme Fatale list for the one act she is known most for. Robbing the powers of the Avenger and soon to be Cinematic superstar, Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel. Though at that time, she was referred to as Ms. Marvel. When Rogue touches Marvel, she hangs on a little too long and strips Carol of her powers, what many at the time thought, permanently. Danvers would have an incredible road to recovery and Rogue kept Marvel’s powers. Danvers would eventually return to the Avengers and her powers and Rogue, after the event, joins Charles Xavier and the X-Men to mend her evil ways.


But things would never be same for the two.

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